The IB Diploma Programme
One of the pathways available to students in Grades 11 and 12 is the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP). The IB diploma is recognized by colleges and universities around the world.

David Platt
Teaching & Learning Coordinator – Diploma Pathways
The aim of all IB programs is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.~ The IB Learner Profile.
Encompassing the last two years of High School, the Diploma Programme is designed to fulfil the graduation requirements of various education systems. Lincoln Community School embraces the Diploma Programme because of the robust way it supports our mission to be a learning-focused, leading and connected school. You can learn about the IBDP on the International Baccalaureate’s website.
Learning Focussed
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), is among the most comprehensive and intellectually stimulating university preparatory programs in the world. The IB Learner Profile describes the IB graduate as an individual capable of exercising initiative in applying critical and creative thinking skills, of recognizing and approaching complex problems, and of making reasoned ethical decisions. IB educators explicitly teach students the skills they need to be successful in their studies; those “Approaches to Learning” are a key part of our LCS Learning Principles.
Diploma candidates are required to select one subject from each of the six subject groups. Usually, three subjects are taken at Higher Level (HL) and three others at Standard Level (SL). Higher Level courses cover 240 teaching hours and Standard Level courses cover 150 teaching hours. Hence, over a two-year period, some subjects are studied in depth and some more broadly.
In addition to their six academic subjects, DP candidates also take a critical thinking and philosophy seminar called the Theory of Knowledge (TOK), and engage in an extensive project on a subject of their own choosing which culminates in a formal 4000-word research paper.
At the end of Grade 12, IB Diploma candidates undergo a three-week battery of externally prepared and graded oral and written examinations in all six of their Diploma subjects.
The IB DP has gained recognition by post-secondary institutions in nearly 150 countries, frequently leading to preferential admissions and advanced standing for DP students. LCS Diploma students have enjoyed strong results, above the worldwide average. Last year, 91% of our graduating class completed the full IB diploma, well above the worldwide average of 78.4%, and earned an average diploma score of 33 points (out of 45) against an average worldwide score of 29.9.
Our teachers are all experienced IB educators, many of whom are examiners for the IB, grading the annual external exams. LCS teachers are also frequent presenters at IB conferences, serving our goal to be a leading international school.
Throughout the course, the programme’s CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) component engages students — alongside their academic studies — in complementary activities in three key areas: creative arts, physical activity and unpaid voluntary service, and requires them to reflect on those CAS experiences. Many of those activities take our students outside of the walls of LCS, allowing our students to connect not only with other high school students but the local community in Accra and beyond.
All students are required to undertake a CAS Project. The project challenges students to show initiative, demonstrate perseverance, and to develop skills such as collaboration, problem-solving and decision making.
Course Offerings
IBDP Pathways
Students can choose from three graduation pathways all of which lead to earning an LCS high school diploma. One option is to also pursue the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, the second option is to take a mix of Diploma Programme (DP) courses and LCS high school courses, and the third option is to take only LCS high school courses. Regardless of pathway, students choose six courses from the following categories; all categories are required except the Arts. To earn the IB Diploma, three courses must be taken at the Higher Level (HL) and three at the Standard Level (SL).
Please note that some course combinations may not be available due to scheduling constraints and that DP online courses may not be available for the LCS pathway.
Questions regarding the IBDP Pathways should be directed to the IBDP Pathways Coordinator – David Platt ([email protected]).
English (required for all students)
- English Language & Literature HL / SL / LCS
One of the following Language-acquisition courses: (Note: ab initio courses are for students with little or no background in the language.)
- French B HL / SL / LCS
- French ab initio SL (DP ONLINE only; additional fee required)
- Spanish B HL / SL / LCS -OR- ab initio SL / LCS
- Mandarin ab initio SL (DP ONLINE only; additional fee required)
- A non-IB course through an online course provider
One or two of the following social science / humanities courses:
- Economics HL / SL / LCS
- Global Politics HL / SL / LCS
- Environmental Systems and Societies HL / SL / LCS (can also count a science course)
- Business Management HL / SL (ONLINE only; additional fee required)
- Digital Society HL / SL (ONLINE only; additional fee required)
- Psychology HL / SL (ONLINE only; additional fee required)
- A non-IB course through an online course provider
One or two of the following science courses:
- Biology HL / SL
- Chemistry HL / SL
- Physics HL / SL
- Environmental Systems and Societies HL / SL / LCS (can also count a social science course)
- A non-IB course through an online course provider
One of the following math courses:
- Math Analysis & Approaches HL / SL / LCS (appropriate for students preparing for university programs in science, engineering, or math; requires greater abstract thinking)
- Math Applications & Interpretations SL (appropriate for students preparing for university programs in social science, law, or business; includes more real-world connections)
- LCS Math: Data Science & Financial Mathematics
- A non-IB course through an online course provider
One of the following arts courses is optional:
- Visual Arts HL / SL / LCS
- Film SL (ONLINE only; additional fee required)
- A non-IB course through Global Online Academy or another online course provider.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2018
Lincoln Community School
#126/21 Reindolf Road
Abelemkpe, Accra
Ghana, West Africa
+233 302 218 100
Mailing Address
PMB CT 354, Cantonments
Accra, Ghana